A rollicking historical novel set in turn-of-the-century Alberta tells the compelling story of a young Scottish woman who jumps from a train to escape her abusive husband and finds herself alone on the desolate prairie. Desperate to disappear, she claims a homestead and begins to carve out a new life with the help of four neighbouring women, who band together to battle a hostile government. Perfect for fans of Genevieve Graham and Kate Morton.
Learn MoreFollowing a long journalism career, my passion for the past inspired me to write fact-based historical novels about strong women. My monthly blog, Letters From Windermere, often waxes poetic about bygone days. I’m absurdly sentimental about old photographs and handwritten letters and heritage homes with crystal doorknobs. When not at my desk overlooking beautiful Lake Windermere in British Columbia, I can usually be found in my truck, driving to the nearest museum or thrift shop.
Genevieve Graham, #1 bestselling author of The Secret Keeper
Iona Whishaw, best-selling author of the Lane Winslow Series
Maia Caron, bestselling author of The Last Secret
Maureen Jennings, award-winning author of the Murdoch Mystery Books
Leslie Howard, bestselling author of The Brideship Wife
Ellen Keith, award-winning author of The Dutch Wife
While researching my wartime novel, I interviewed people who lived through the Second World War, both on the home front and overseas, and uncovered some truly inspirational stories. Please feel free to read, reflect, and share.
Learn MoreMy love of all things vintage is reflected in my novels, my collections, my travels, my home on Lake Windermere, and the monthly letter that I have been sending to my dear readers for the past ten years.
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