Elinor Florence, Author

Bestselling Historial Fiction Author

Stories About My Family

German Navy Sank Their Own Ships at Scapa Flow

August 17, 2022
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I have a personal connection with one of the oddest events in wartime history, when the German navy deliberately sank its own fleet at Scapa Flow in the Orkney Islands of Scotland. My husband’s grandfather was serving on one of those ships!

The Shadow of the Berlin Wall

March 16, 2022
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My husband was a twelve-year-old boy living in a peaceful suburb when the Berlin Wall went up almost overnight, just two blocks from his home. Thankfully, his family lived on the western side. Here are his memories of growing up in the shadow of the wall.

The Last Canadian Dambuster

July 29, 2015
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Fred Sutherland of Rocky Mountain House, Alberta, is now Canada’s last surviving Dambuster — one of only two left in the world. He’s also a member of my extended family, because he was married to my mother’s cousin Margaret.

Peenemünde, the V-Weapons Museum

November 19, 2014
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I had two personal reasons for visiting the museum at Peenemünde in Germany, where the Nazis invented their deadly V-weapons: because it plays a role in my wartime novel about aerial photo interpretation, and because my father-in-law Kurt Drews worked here during the war.

The Bombing of Berlin: An Eyewitness Account

October 1, 2014
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Gerda Drews was a child living in Berlin with her family when the Second World War began, and over the next five years she survived the bombing of her city 363 times, witnessing some horrific sights. By Elinor Florence My family members, on both my mother’s and my father’s sides, served in the Canadian forces […]

Two Letters From France

August 6, 2014
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Read these World War One letters written by my great-uncle Robert Burns Florence in 1916, and you will remark on the dramatic change between a young man shortly after his arrival in France, and the same young man just one month later, after doing battle at The Somme. In honour of the World War One […]

First War Soldier Too Short to Get Shot

July 30, 2014
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My godfather Colin Greener served in the Canadian Cavalry in the First World War. He stood five foot three in his boots, but he had the heart of a lion. He fought in the trenches, was wounded twice, and decorated for bravery. He always joked that if he had been taller he wouldn’t have survived. […]

Painting Dedicated to RCAF Pilot

June 11, 2014
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Seventy-two years after my uncle RCAF pilot trainee Alan Light died in a training accident, I discovered a dramatic oil painting that shows the last moments of his life.

Memories of Maxwell Cassidy

February 19, 2014
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When Janet Mears of Australia started searching for information about her great-uncle Maxwell Cassidy, killed in a 1944 training accident in Canada, the results were astonishing. Not only did she discover that Max had been in love, she found the Canadian girl he left behind – alive and well, and eager to share her memories.

About Elinor Florence<br>

Letters From Windermere

I’m a lover of history and all things vintage. My passion for the past is reflected in my novels, my collections, my travels, my home on Lake Windermere, and the monthly letter that I have been sending to my dear followers for the past eleven years. You are warmly invited to join my list. I don’t ask for anything but your email address. However, you are welcome to tell me something about yourself because I love hearing from my readers.
Sending since 2013.
Subscribers: 1,600.
Expect your letter the third Wednesday of every month.

Lest We Forget

While researching my wartime novel Bird’s Eye View, I interviewed people who lived through the greatest conflict the world has ever known, both on the home front and overseas.
I uncovered some truly inspirational stories, indexed here by subject.
Please feel free to read, reflect, and share.
Please Note: All stories and photos are copyrighted to Elinor Florence unless otherwise indicated. You are welcome to copy and share them as long as you give me proper credit.

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